Friday, April 1, 2011

How to make an Infused Oil and why

What is and infused oil and why do you want to learn how to make it??

An infused oil is a "carrier" oil that has been permeated "infused" with another material usually plants or herbs.

You can use this technique for making flavored oils for dressings and sauces or to make yourself a nice massage oil or healing oil.

I usually use First Cold Pressed organic olive oil, especially for culinary infusions. This extraction method is done using lower temperatures and leaves the oil unrefined (no added chemicals) and will last longer before going rancid.

How can you tell if your oil goes rancid or spoiled?? Generally smell and taste
If it tastes bad it probably is!

Always keep oils from heat and light to last longer and use within 6 months

To make a culinary oil go out and pick out some nice bottles (if you want them on display) I generally use mason jars as I keep mine in the cupboard so they last longer and they are easy to use....unless I'm in the mood to be fancy, (which does happen from time to time).

I love roaming the Sally-Anne for unusual bottles and containers. Just make sure to clean them really well so not to contaminate food! Also make sure they are dry as any water left in the jar can create mold

Next buy nice fresh dried herbs for a reputable sources with no additives. If whole lightly crush before putting into the bottle.

I usually keep a bottle of rosemary infused oil readily available and I use it on pretty well everything. Plus the health benefits of regularly adding spices to food help fight off colds flu's and disease. You can also use fresh garlic, dried chili peppers, and vanilla!

Try making several small bottles of different flavors to try, that way you will use them quickly before they go off.

After adding the solid material of your choice next fill the jar with oil and place in a paper bag in a sunny location for 2 weeks.

This is the solar method, the paper bag keeps the oils out of the direct sunlight and it does not heat the oils too much.
You can also use the stovetop hot water bath method but be careful not to heat the oils too high or you could burn the oil.

I prefer the solar just because I like doing things the old fashioned way!
Unless I am in a hurry to make a medicinal oil.
Plus I like to think the sun adds a little extra flavor!  

You can start to use your infused culinary oils right away if you like a light flavor, the longer the herb is kept in the oil the stronger the flavor will be. You can also strain out the herb if your oil gets too strong.

Now onto my personal fave's....massage oils and medicinal oils

If you read the tops of the jars in the pic above then you saw Arnica and
white willow written on top. I make these in large batches because they are main ingredients for my famous salve "Wolfsbane Salve" that everyone loves so much.

These oils need to be strained before using, which is simple enough....I first use a stainless strainer then further strain though a muslin cloth.

For massage oils you can use other lighter oils like Grapeseed or sweet Almond oil which absorb nicely into the skin.

Arnica is a great oil to have around as it is great for sore achey muscles, stiff joints, sprains and injuries. You can apply it right to bruises and swellings for quick healing and pain relief.

St John's Wort is another great oil to use if you suffer from nerve pain, sciatica, or injuries with nerve damage. a great healing oil, St John's Wort is also used for burns, wounds, sores, eczema and ulcers.
It's also great on a sunburn, which I happen to be using it for right now!:(

You have to use the fresh yellow flowers of Hypericum perforatum for true St John's Wort oil and not from the many common garden variety shrubs out there.

You will know in about 2 weeks if you have the right flowers as the oil will turn a beautiful red color.
This oil is left in direct sunlight to mature not in a paper bag.

There are many uses of making your own oils and there's a lot of information out there.
If you have any questions on infusing oils or how to get the materials or for a specific purpose message me:)

Coming soon.....videos on how to make medicine stuff!!!!


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